Mary Immaculate

'The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary, and she conceived by the Holy Spirit.' The whole mystery of Jesus' Incarnation is contained in this sentence.
If you've ever tried to teach a difficult concept to a child, you know that using something tangible can help, even if it doesn't capture every nuance. That might be the reason God gave us the Holy Family.
Jesus gave us His mother as our mother and wants us to be close to her. By wearing Mary's Medal, we place ourselves under her protection as her spiritual children.
The Church dedicates November to prayers for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Take some time this month to remember those whom we've lost, and ask Our Lady's special care and intercession for them all.
Make a difference in your life and the lives of your neighbors. Pray the Rosary for the good of us all.
He was a wise child of Our Lady, a faithful son of the Church, and one of the great wonderworkers in our Catholic heritage.
Since Our Lady didn't give us a specific timeframe for when her Immaculate Heart will triumph, we can only speculate - but I think it makes sense to look for the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart around 2029, 100 years after the request for the consecration.
As we reflect on our Sorrowful Mother this month, let us ask her to show us the secret of suffering well.
The Holy Rosary has been likened to a divine weapon by countless mystics and saints, a certain tool of incredible power.
September 8 is the Feast of the Nativity of Our Lady. Why and how do we celebrate Mary's birthday?
