Mary Immaculate

Thank you to Holy Souls Sodality member Anadele Roulain of Kerrville, Texas, who sent in this powerful testimony.
No creature had more faith than the Blessed Virgin Mary. She believed, despite appearances, that Christ would conquer death, and her faith was not misplaced.
Did you know that Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, commissioned several artists from around the world to paint original images of St. Joseph based on his book Consecration to St. Joseph: The Wonders of Our Spiritual Father? Learn what went into making the artwork a reality.
The Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary gives us trust in mercy and hope for eternity
More than a decade ago, Karen Fennell was diagnosed with an immune disorder that made it difficult for her to breath. Then a friend took her to the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy. She made an improbable recovery.
How did the Blessed Mother exemplify the virtue of prudence in the Gospels? Why do we need to attain this virtue? Let's take a look.
About a week before he died, Bill Baril told his wife, "She's coming for me, you know." Who was he talking about?
Not once but twice, the Blessed Mother interceded in the life of Clifford Herbert. He's since made and given away thousands of Rosary beads. Here's what happened.
The Blessed Virgin Mary exemplified the virtue of chastity better than anyone. By contemplating the Blessed Mother's virtues, you can obtain the virtue of chastity, too.
Producer Dick Lyles tells you everything you need to know about "Fatima" before it comes to theaters on Aug. 14.
