Mary & The Marians

"Prayer is capable of opening the Heart of God to our needs," says Fr. Thaddaeus Lancton, MIC, in his March 9 homily from St. Monica Catholic Church in Converse, Texas.
We are to be the signs of God's power and mercy.
Check out Fr. Thaddaeus Lancton's March 7 homily from St. Monica Catholic Church in Converse, Texas.
Want to reach humanity? Be open to God's grace, Pope Francis tells the Marians.
On the Feast Day of Blessed George, Fr. Thaddaeus Lancton, MIC, gave a talk to the staff at Matulaitis Nursing Home. We invite you to watch it.
Hear the homily of Fr. Joe Roesch, MIC, from yesterday's Mass at the Chapel of the Apparitions in Fatima, Portugal.
From around the United States, we wish you and your family a merry Christmas and blessings for the New Year.
What's the Significance of the Solemnity of All Saints? - Father Chris Alar, MIC, explains in his feast day homily.
"Trust Him lovingly, trust Him blindly." That is what Mother Teresa said, and that is what Deacon Gabe wants each and every person to know and do.
Father Donald Calloway's new book, Champions of the Rosary: The History and Heroes of a Spiritual Weapon, is a powerful telling of the history of the Rosary and the many champions who wielded this weapon throughout the last 800 years!
On May 18, we celebrate for the last time the feast day of Blessed Stanislaus Papczynski. That's because on June 5 he will become Saint Stanislaus Papczynski.
What's the one thing that's an even greater act than creation itself? Father Seraphim explains.
